Friday, April 17, 2009

end of half day-April 17th [LOVE] n [HATE]

Name something great that happened Saturday?-kelassss!!!!! [hipokrit gler!!] Huhuhu xde la great sgt tp next week ada final paper. Ngee~ ngeri…-

When was the last time you saw your father?-err… dua minggu lepas. Huhu-

Do you like your life as of now?
-of course I like my life. Syukur… sebab hidup aku penuh suka duka, harmoni… gelak tawa… muram durja.. masam masin manis pahit payau tawar dan segalanya. Semua tu lumrah. Aku suka hadapi segala rasa dlm dunia ni-

Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?-yup. Harap2 ada la… Hehe tp kalu besday boy, aku x nak. huhh!!-

Do you drink coffee?-yup… termasuk dlm senarai air utk brekfes-

What were you doing 20 minutes ago?-p blik anje yg tgh studi n aku baca URTV kat sana sambil mengutuk artis di dlm nyer. Ngee…-

Does anyone call you babe or baby?
-hahaha… msti la ada. Mama n abah dulu pgil aku baby masa aku kecik2. Dah besar ni org len lak pagil aku baby. Hoho-

Do you like surprises?-yiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… sape x suka surprise? Yg +ve je la-

Think of the person who's hurt you the most in the past year,who is it?-erk?! Apa kes soklan sensitip ni… ish, ish… kisah lama jgn dikenang. Dah2… aku dah lupekan n maafkan org tu. Hehe-

Who was the last person you laid in a bed with?-akim, my little bro. huhu miss him so much!!!-

Who made you smile today?
-ari2 aku senyum… otomatik la… senyum tu kan sedekah-

What made you sad today?-sad?! Ada… tp biaq aku je yg tau. Huhu-

What time did you sleep last night and why?-ntah tp rasanyer lewat gak la… sebab… gayut dgn besday boy (17hb 4) n meleleh after tuh. Ngee~-

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?-besday boy… xde la deep sgt tp conversation gak la…-

Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?-sensitip... sensitip...-

Have you heard a song that reminds you of anyone today?-yup…imran ajmain-jika kau pergi (ost yusuff)-

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?-aku x suka la benci-membenci ni. Huhu-

Do you find piercings attractive?-ntah... xtau. Huhu-

Where do you plan on living within the next few years?-abis kan studi, kumpul harta, kumpul pakwe (spy sng nak pilih wat suami. Hehe), kawin…. [agaknyer leh tercapai x dlm masa 5 thn lg?]

Do you live near your best friends?-tengah2…-

What are you wearing right now?-kain batik n t-shirt… [pompuan melayu terakhir nih. Ngee…]-

What was the last item you purchased?-minyak affiat... minyak urut la....-

When is your birthday?
-14 ogos… ha… jgn lupe bg hadiah erk. Hehe doakan kebahagiaan aku juga-

Last person you held hands with, do they mean anything to you?
-akim sebab nakal sgt. Akim tu adik aku la...-

When was the last time you wrote a letter to?
-ntah... x ingat la... rasanyer surat kpd satu persatuan tp x ingat persatuan apa... [atas dsr keje. hehe]-

Name five things that are next to you?-henpon, glasses, minyak cap kapak, bantal, keropok-

Story behind your current Friendster lay-out?-err… gmbr sorg princess yg sdg tgu prince dia dtg jumpa dia. Sama cam situasi aku skrg. Huhu-

Are you shy?-malu pd tempatnyer…-

Last message you got?-from anje… nak dtg blik katanyer. Hehe-

What does your heart say?-p kafe kot… lapar dah ni. Hehe-


amal said...

anne.....malu pada tempatnye????di manakah tempatnye ituuu hahhahahaha

Unknown said...

bnyk tempat leh malu...
contohnyer ble berdepan dgn _ _malu _ _. (sila tambah imbuhan sendiri. hahaha